Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Makenzie May and Danny Mumm 
Ajax by Sophocles 
Entry 1 pg. 1-3

Back in the times of ancient Greece the gods played a prominent role in their lives as well as their literature. In the greek play Ajax, Odysseus is visited by the goddess of wisdom Athena.The gods always interfering with the fate of the humans, they are always watching. Athena “watched thee hunting in his trail, and scanning his fresh prints, to learn is now he be within or forth. Skilled in the chase thou seamiest, as a keen-nosed Spartan hound” (1). Athena is about to manipulate Odysseus. The foreshadowing Sophocles used without saying anything everyone knew that something bad was about to happen for either Odysseus or for Ajax. Also Athena sees both sides. Is she trying to help Odysseus? Or is she just doing this to have fun? Or is it just for her to get what she wants done and Odysseus is just a pawn? Athena tells Ajax “The men are dead, if rightly I take thy meaning” (3).  Athena is trying to set him up! If you were a goddess would you mess around in peoples lives? If so what would you do? I think that the interference Athena could cause is going to play a huge role in the interactions between Odysseus and Ajax. Do you agree? She is a god messing around with people something is bound to go terribly wrong. Greek plays always end so badly, I do not know if I want to see how this will end out. This is some spy stuff.

Sunday, November 6, 2016


I was a blind prophet. First off I learned to test out props before you use them. (@sunglasses indoors). Secondly I am so impressed with how well everyone knew their people, lines, attitudes, and portrayed it. We really brought a modern mindset to Antigone. I was so impressed with the questions the sides asked and the quick responses they got. Everything was so spot on and in character. My favorite part was Danny over ruling or letting people speak. I realized people come into things with a pre determined mindset and its hard to change their minds.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell

Makenzie May
A novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell. 
Pages 1-40    
The working class had it extremely rough, they had terrible living conditions, and had many health problems. They always felt like they were being watched, even when no one was around them. In the stair ways they had big posters on every floor saying "big brother is always watching you" (Orwell 1). The eyes always followed them. That saying comes up a lot. Also in the work place, "Ministry of truth" (Orwell 4) slogan was "war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength" (Orwell 16). They were not allowed to shop on the free market. However "nothing at all was illegal since there were no longer any laws" (Orwell 6).This loop hole allowed Winston to buy a book, someones diary with out guilt. The young woman were subject to Ministry of truths slogans. Big brother is a huge concept. It has a presence but it is unable to be seen.  Winston had no family, and took them for grated when they were alive. 
This book seems very political and based in a time of war. There seems to be this sense of urgency in the ministry of truth to take down society. 
I really pity those people who live in terrible conditions. They are so poor, and have to follow so many stupid rules . I am so glad that I am living, and have always lived in a free country. That no one watches me all the time, that I can shop where I want with out feeling bad. 
What role do you think big brother will play in the book? 

Monday, October 24, 2016


There is no happiness where there is no wisdom. No wisdom but in the submission of the gods. Big words are always punished, and proud men in old age learn to be wise"
I am not always the brightest. I act in the spur of the moment a lot. I am very prideful. I need to learn how to take a step back and let go of my pride before I become old. I need to learn how to fully submit myself to God as that is the only place for happiness. Sadly I'm not quite ready to submit myself to someone I don't fully know.

Monday, September 12, 2016


People agree that strong, and ambitious. That i am reliable and caring. People  know they can count on me to be there from that 2 am call crying about life to what ever they need. People who get to know me extremely well see a whole new side. Those few people who have got to know me that well will be with me for a life time as loyalty is also a very strong trait of mine. I have a lot going for me in my future. Ive got hard work and the ability to do what ever it is i put my mind to.

Sunday, September 11, 2016


41% Extrovert
12% iNtuitive
16% Thinking
19% Perceiving 

I am great for communications and leadership 
I am cleaver, and outspoken