Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Could you ever live far away from society in near complete isolation? I could never ever do that in a million years. In Wuthering Heights it is ok to be in the middle of no where and be content. In the eighteen hundreds there was not much to do in the first place, and the cities where not as we know them. I would be drive to insanity by living so far away in todays day and age. Lockwood says “I am now quite cured of seeking pleasure in society, be it country or town. A sensible man ought to find sufficient company in himself " (Brontë 28). Brontë uses sophisticated words to show Lockwood’s sophistication. Lockwood reflects Brontë's need for solitude and isolation. Appreciation for solitude is what separates the people who live at Wuthering Heights from the civilized world.  Heathcliff, the most wild of all says, “I wish I had light hair and a fair skin, and was dressed, and behaved as well, and had a chance of being as rich as he will be” (Brontë 56). Do you ever wish you could change how you are to fit in to society? If so what would you change and why? As I personally do not really fit in anywhere, I am happy as I am because I stand out, but I wish people would view me differently then what they do. Also if you could give yourself any label what would it be and why?

Monday, January 2, 2017


This past year has been a year full of mountain top highs and ocean bottom lows. I have done much traveling,  soul searching, and spending time with those I love in 2016; as now 2017 will be the very end of me being home. 2016 has gave me many lessons but most important balance. Balance in life, friends, family, social media, social events, relationships, sports, my health, and keeping others around me happy as well as myself. I have learned this year to forgive others as well as myself. To in other words kill people with kindness. To some, I have been a little demon, and to others I have been a guardian angel. What I take away, is to give up pleasing those who wont matter in a few months. Don't stress over things that in a year will mean nothing. Enjoy the smallest moments because come September they will mostly be gone. Live with passion, it keeps things interesting. This who New Year new me stuff, yeah no. I am going to do me and fall in love with who I am. I am going to cut out anyone who tries to change me or stabs me in the back. I am young determined and ready to move on with my life and to find my next adventure past Seattle christian. As of right know I am nothing like the person I will be in 2 months let alone a year. So with new starts comes new pieces to you. Blake beating cancer, saying good bye to everyone and everything I've ever known, traveling Asia alone, and many other things will impact who I will become this year. Im just thankful to be me. A beautiful blond, wild and free. Unbroken, untamed, never to return again. Once  glimpse and you already know. This lucky girl is going to rule the world. What ever she does and who ever she becomes will be a blessing on all she touches and all she does. She has felt the most passionate love and the most passionate hate. She has never had her heart break. She has the world in her hands and the sea in her heart and the stars in her soul. The magics apart of who she is, and why she's, she. The one everyone wants to be. A wild free heart, stuck with in a blond girls never broken heart.